Friday, November 09, 2007

Various photos of me from childhood to adulthood

Here I am at my house in Lafayette, LA, playing with some of our hunting dog's puppies (Queenie). She usually had one litter of 12 puppies per year, and we would give them (for free) to members of our hunting club; this would preserve the blood line with friends and family, rather than with distant strangers.

Family picture when I was a baby, in my mom's lap.

Hugging our hunting dog, Queenie. She was a very sweet black lab, loveable demeanor. She loved to have a tennis ball with her all of the time.

In 3rd/4th year of medical school, was doing Sports Medicine rotation at the time; living in the basement of a Greek guy named Nick in Queens, NY, paying about $800/month. I had a freakin' blow-up mattress for a "bed", chest-high refrigerator, half-broken gas stove, no windows to the outside, a stand-up only shower, and the floor collected water from somewhere every time there was a heavy rain outside. Nonetheless, it all worked out and I made it through med. school despite all of that stuff. Positive mental attitude.

Here is my Uncle Matt (Matt Bourque); he is a Circus Fan member...travels globally to view circuses (Europe, Asia, Mexico). He lives in Lafayette, LA presently.

This photo was taken the day of my grandmother's funeral (Dorothy Mathews, my dad's mom). Photo: from left to right: Victor, my Dad, Uncle Matt, and my brother. Grandma Dot died of natural causes in the mid-1990's after having suffered a stroke. She was a Registered Nurse for 52 years (retired at age 77), as well as a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Daughters of the Confederacy, and a very proud Presbyterian church member (like myself). Her brother was my Uncle Robert.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Dear Victor you were extremely cute as a boy, so sweet and innocent. I love that strong feeling and bond that you have with your dogs. You really cherish that bond and that unconditional love, you take care of them very good that speaks highly of values as the honorable man I know. But I really wish things get less hectic in your live so you can take time to do the things you love and enjoy so much
    I am looking foward to see more recent pictures of my girl Dixie Belle
