We, at Harvard South Shore psychiatry residency training program, created a team to compete in a national, on-line competition with other psychiatry residency programs across the United States. (There are approximately 93 psychiatry residency programs across America.) The rules for the competition: each residency program must select 3 of their top residents (our program has about 32 residents) to form a team to take a 150 question test, time-limited to 60 minutes, on-line, multiple choice. Psychiatry residency teams from around the nation take the same test. The team with the most correct answers in the shortest amount of time, wins. Well, our program selected me, Syeda, and Lance as its representatives for this athletic mental event! Lo and behold, we scored in the Top 10 in the United States! Our residency training director was thrilled and surprised, as our program has never formed a team before or competed nationally for this event (sponsored by the American Psychiatry Association). It is called the APA Mind Games. It was a lot of fun taking it together; each of us prepared quite strategically for it with at home study sessions and reviews. We are simply trying to make our residency program proud and to help it shine for the pearl that it truly is!
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